Teaching & Learning Community of Practice

Upcoming Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Workshops


Current Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Workshops

Download Session 1: Running Online Experiments here

Download Session 2: Qualtrics here

Download Session 3: Platforms for Online Studies here



Past Teaching & Learning Community of Practice Workshops


Friday, January 12
Topic: Textbooks - choosing them, reviewing them, using them, and writing them.
Discussion Leader: Ashley Waggoner Denton and John Vervaeke, Psychology, St. George Campus

Friday, February 16Topic: Community-Engaged LearningFacilitators: Ashley Waggoner Denton and Isabelle Kim, the Director of the U of T Centre for Community Partnerships <https://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/ccp> .   

Friday, March 16
Topic: Designing student study guides and structuring student study habits
Facilitator: Dr. Paul Whissell


January 6, 2017
Topic: Integrating writing into our classes 
Presenter: David O'Neill

February 17, 2017
Topic: Challenging all students in our classes, including the high achievers
Presenter: Amanda Sharples

March 24, 2017
Topic: What are we assessing in our courses?
Presenter: Caitlin Burton

FALL 2017

Friday, October 6
Topic: Helping students help each other: Strategies for improving peer study groups and peer assessment activities
Facilitator: Professor Ashley Waggoner Denton (UTSG) 

Friday, November 10
Topic: What does it mean to teach critical thinking in psychology?
Facilitator: Professor Gerry Cupchik (UTSC) 

Friday, December 8
Syllabus Workshop
Bring in your Winter semester syllabi - we will review best practices and available resources, and engage in a friendly peer review session! 


Friday, January 15, 2016 
Topic: Student Engagement and Active Learning 
Discussion Leader: Jonathan Cadieux 

Friday, February 262016 
Topic: Conducting Research in Teaching Environments 
Discussion Leader: Danielle Douglas 

Friday, March 182016 
Topic: Education Literature Research 
Discussion Leader: Susan Gillingham 

Friday, April 15, 2016 
Topic: Workshops on Critical Thinking for Undergraduates 
Discussion Leader: Drs. Ashley Waggoner Denton & Suzanne Wood 

FALL 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016
Topic: Evidence-based presentation design 
Presenters: Ashley Waggoner Denton and Suzanne Wood

Friday, October 14, 2016
Alternatives to textbooks
Presenter: Taryn Grieder

Friday, November 25, 2016
Topic: Writing multiple choice questions 
Presenter: David Chan

FALL 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015
Topic: The APA Learning Objectives & How We Are Addressing Them Discussion Leader: Dr. Ashley Waggoner Denton 

Friday, October 23, 2015 
Topic: Teaching Philosophies and Approaches: Bloom, Fink and Nilson Overview 
Discussion Leader: Dr. Suzanne Wood 

Friday, November 202015 
Topic: Academic Integrity at U of T 
Discussion Leader: Dr. Jonathan Freedman 

Friday, December 4, 2015 
Topic: An In-Class Experiment as an Educational Experience 
Discussion Leader: Dr. Meg Grant and Yu-Leng Lin