Data Blitz

When and Where

Wednesday, March 04, 2015 2:55 pm


Eric Taylor (Psychology, Pratt Lab): Object-based Attention Depends on Attentional Control Settings 
Zhongxu Liu (Psychology, Moskovitch Lab) "Easily Learned, Easily Remembered" Heuristic has its Neural Foundation
Chris Martin (Psychology, Barense Lab): Distributed Category-specific Memory Signals in Perirhinal Cortex 
Hans Melo (Psychology, Cunningham Lab): Genetic Influences on Exploratory Behavior 
Jackson Liang (Psychology, Barense Lab): Disambiguation of Overlapping Events in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe 
Caspian Sawczak (Psychology, Moscovitch and McAndrews Labs): The Role of Episodic Detail in Altruistic Intentions

