Guidance for Students (TEST)

Experiencing a Crisis that Threatens Your or Others’ Safety 


STEP 1: Get urgent help. Call 911 or use one of UofT’s Urgent Help resources.

STEP 2: When you are no longer in crisis, contact your College Registrar to develop a plan for your semester. They can help you reach out to your instructors and develop feasible strategies to get back on track.


Support for Students in Distress
Student Mental Health Resources
Resources for Supporting Students


If a student expresses suicidal ideation, instructors should call the Student Crisis Response Team at 416-946-7111. If the risk to life feels immediate, call Emergency Services (9-1-1) or Campus Police (416-978-2222).

If a student shares that they have been the victim of harassment, sexual violence, or has other safety concerns, instructors should contact the appropriate UofT Support Service.

Instructors can also find contact numbers of crisis response services here.

After a student has experienced a crisis, instructors are encouraged to work with college registrars to determine appropriate learning plans, with careful consideration of feasibility and pedagogy.



STEP 1: Get urgent help. Call 911 or use one of UofT’s Urgent Help resources.

STEP 2: When you are no longer in crisis, contact your College Registrar to develop a plan for your semester. They can help you reach out to your instructors and develop feasible strategies to get back on track.


Support for Students in Distress
Student Mental Health Resources
Resources for Supporting Students


If a student expresses suicidal ideation, instructors should call the Student Crisis Response Team at 416-946-7111. If the risk to life feels immediate, call Emergency Services (9-1-1) or Campus Police (416-978-2222).

If a student shares that they have been the victim of harassment, sexual violence, or has other safety concerns, instructors should contact the appropriate UofT Support Service.

Instructors can also find contact numbers of crisis response services here.

After a student has experienced a crisis, instructors are encouraged to work with college registrars to determine appropriate learning plans, with careful consideration of feasibility and pedagogy.

Acute Illness or Injury that Interferes with an Assessment


Make an appointment with your medical care provider and complete a Verification of Illness or Injury form. Submit it to your Instructor within 1-week of the missed coursework.

Note that you can also use ACORN to self-declare your absences without medical documentation. However, you can only self-declare one absence per term (lasting up to one continuous week), so it is wise to save it for emergencies that are harder to document.


STEP 1: Instructors should have clear policies for late and missed work in the syllabus, which outline the required documentation.

STEP 2: When accepting appropriate documentation for late work, instructors should not impose late penalties for affected dates. For documented missed assessments, instructors choose whether to reweight assessments or offer make-up assessments. Instructors should also work with Accessibility Advisors (not students) if official accommodations are misaligned with their pedagogical goals.


Verification of Illness or Injury
ACORN Absence Declaration

You have an Ongoing or Temporary Disability that Could be a Barrier to Your Studies