Ashley Waggoner Denton

Ashley Waggoner Denton

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Waggoner Denton
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Phone : 
Office Location : 
Sidney Smith Hall, Room 5016F
Biography : 

Ashley Waggoner Denton is currently Associate Professor, Teaching Stream at the Psychology Department. She received her PhD in Social Psychology from Indiana University in 2012. Ashley is an alumna of the Psychology Department, having completed her Bachelor's degree at U of T where she was a member of the Psychology Research Specialist Program. Ashley currently teaches Introductory Psychology (PSY100), as well as various courses in Statistics and Social Psychology. In collaboration with undergraduate students, Ashley conducts research on topics that lie at the intersection of social psychology and pedagogy and she has published in outlets including Social Psychology of Education and Psychology Learning and Teaching. Ashley is the 2019 recipient of the Jane S. Halonen Teaching Excellence award given by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2). 

Personal Website:

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Research Area:

Areas of Interest: 
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning